Red Tuna Pavé with Ratatouille

Courtesy of Nuances

Red Tuna Pavé with Ratatouille,  

Serves 4

Preparation time: 35 minutes


600 g red tuna
400 g eggplant
400 g green zucchini
200 g Italian tomatoes
200 g sweet white onions
80 g black Kalamata olives
80 g fresh garlic
3 lemons
500 ml olive oil
200 ml Minus 8


1. Tuna
Remove the skin, or have the fish prepared by your fishmonger. Cut the fish into rectangles lengthwise.
2. Vegetables
Wash the eggplant, the zucchini and the tomatoes. Cut them into 1 cm pieces. Keep them separate until you are ready to cook them.
Peel the onions and cut them into small dice (commonly called brunoise in culinary terms). Remove the zests from a lemon and then finely chop
them. Peel the garlic and chop with your chef's knife (wear latex gloves as to not absorb the smell of the garlic). Pit the olives and cut them into
thin slices.
3. Garlic vinaigrette
In the stainless steel bowl, add half of the chopped garlic and season with the salt and pepper as well as the juice of 1 ½ lemons. Mix as you would
for a vinaigrette, whisking in the olive oil until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
Mix the Minus 8 and the garlic vinaigrette in a container which can hold the tuna pavé pieces.
4. Ratatouille
Heat the sauté pan and add a table spoon of olive oil. Add the onions and cook over medium-low heat before adding the eggplant. Cook together for
5 minutes. Add the zucchini and cook 5 minutes before adding the tomatoes. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, add the chopped garlic and the
olive slices. Finish cooking over low heat for a few minutes.
Using a small pot, reduce the Minus 8 by half. We will use it to complete the dish.
5. The last ten minutes
On your counter you should have the lemon and garlic vinaigrette, the cooked ratatouille, the red tuna rectangles, and the container with the Minus 8.
Dip each rectangle of tuna in the Minus 8. Marinate for 30 seconds on each side. Grill on each side then transfer to a cooking sheet and bake 5
minutes in the oven.

6. Assembly
Place the ratatouille in the center of the dish, drizzling the reduced Minus 8
around it. Pour on a bit of the garlic vinaigrette as well as a dash of olive oil.
Take the tuna out of the oven and place on top of the ratatouille.

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