Pan Roasted Black Bass

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By Chef Anthony Bucco

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Pan Roasted Black Bass, Celery Root Puree, Trumpet Royale Mushrooms, Avocado, Minus 8 Gastrique

Chef Anthony Bucco, The Ryland Inn  4 servings

Pan Roasted Black Bass

Black Bass  4oz Filet

Blended Oil 2oz

Salt to taste

Heat a sauté pan over high heat add some blended oil and cook bass skin side down allowing the skin to get crispy. Once the fish takes on some nice colour flip it and turn off the flame, let rest for a minute and remove from the pan.

Minus 8 & Acacia Honey Gastrique

2T Minus 8 Vinegar
¼ c Acacia Honey

Heat the honey over medium heat, once honey begins to take on some coloring add minus 8 vinegar and reduce to syrup like consistency. Remove from heat and reserve.

Celery Root Puree

Celery Root     1 Bulb
Apple                1 Gala Preferred
Onion               1
Water                4C
Blended Oil      2T
Salt to taste

Heat a sauce pot over medium heat; add onion, celery root, sprig of thyme  and apple. Sweat gently, in 1 T of Blended Oil for 5 minutes, or until vegetables have softened without taking colour. Cover, vegetables, with water. Cook until the celery root can be mashed between your fingers. Puree in a food processor reserving some of the cooking liquid for thinning the puree if necessary. Adjust seasoning.

To Assemble this dish,

Trumpet Royale                      1/2 Pound

Mushrooms Avocado              1

Extra Virgin Olive Oil             2oz

Coarse Sea Salt                         Pinch

Place a spoonful of the celery root puree onto the plate topped with the bass.  Layer the avocado and thinly sliced trumpet royale mushrooms across the top.  Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and Coarse sea salt. Sauce with Gastrique, enjoy.

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