Grilled Peach Salad with Hazelnuts and Minus 8 Micro Sprouts

Presentation by food stylist

Grilled Peach Salad with Hazelnuts and Minus 8 Micro Sprouts 

Chef Mark Picone, Serves 4,

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This is an appealing way of incorporating a warm, grilled fruit into the salad course

Hazelnuts are a natural flavour boost to both the peaches and sprouts.


2 – 4 peaches, washed and cut into wedges

15 ml olive oil

5 ml thyme, fresh, chopped

Salt, freshly ground pepper

1. Pre-heat grill until hot.

2. Drizzle olive oil on peaches and season with thyme, salt and pepper.

3. Place on grill but do not turn. We are looking for marks on one side only.

4. Remove to platter and set aside.

Mirco Sprouts

250 gm micro sprouts – cleaned (you can use any small greens of your choice)


20 gm hazelnuts, toasted (skins removed) and chopped

1 shallot, small, peeled and minced

15 ml Dijon mustard, course grain

30 ml Minus 8 Icewine vinegar

125 ml olive oil **

Salt, freshly ground pepper

1. Combine ingredients and taste.

2. Correct seasoning as required

** You could combine 25 ml of hazelnut oil and 100 ml olive oil.


1. Place 3 wedges of grilled peaches in a circular fashion on plate.

2. Gently toss sprouts with a small amount of dressing. They should not be over

dressed – just enough to graze the small leaves.

3. Place on top of peaches and splash with extra dressing as required.